SDP Tecnologia
SDP Tecnologia
Advanced Process Control - Artificial Vision - Applied AI
SDP Tecnologia
SDP Tecnologia
Advanced Process Control - Artificial Vision - Applied AI
SDP Tecnologia
SDP Tecnologia
Advanced Process Control - Artificial Vision - Applied AI


Discover a world of solutions that brings efficiency and excellence to your industry: from Advanced Process Control to Machine Vision systems, all driven by the power of Artificial Intelligence. We provide world-class services and creates technology engineered to steer your path to success. Welcome to the future of your industry, delivered today.


Our specialists have established a solid reputation across various industries throughout the Americas. With deep expertise and a proven track record, we're here to drive efficiency and success in your company. Discover how we can can take your business to the next level.
Advanced Process Control Solutions - Mining


Advanced Process Control Solutions - Chemical Industry




Increased recovery thanks to the comprehensive IConS® advanced process control and IViS® machine vision solutions implemented by SDP in the ultra-fine flotation circuits.


Improved quality and performance thanks to IConS® advanced process control and IViS® machine vision solutions implemented by SDP in the pelletizing circuit.


Increased efficiency and recovery achieved thanks to advanced process control system IConS®, and IViS® machine vision solutions in the ultra-fine flotation circuits.


Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We work closely with companies of diverse sizes across various industries. Our commitment to customer satisfaction and their accomplishments are our greatest source of pride. Together we have built solid partnerships, delivering efficient solutions and tangible results. Discover some of the clients who trust us to take their goals to the next level.

Want to know how applied Artificial Intelligence can help optimize your plant operations?

Our specialists are available to address your questions.